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 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Wednesday 7/13

Happy hump day!!!!! I just got to the hospital and Dad is sleeping. Hopefully he will wake up soon. He is doing very well with his therapies. Monday he had occupational therapy for 40 mins and yesterday they went for 53!!! Physical therapy said he sat on the side of the bed for 6-8 minutes by himself on Monday. They got him up on a bed yesterday that makes him work his legs. He had to stand and you could see his legs shaking! They are so proud of him and say he is progressing!!!
As far as his mental state.... He comes and goes. He is alert more often for us though. He doesn't always know who we are, but he follows all commands he is given. We have so many funny things to tell him when he is better. For instance... We will point to Mom and ask is she is his wife? Sometimes No, sometimes yes and sometimes she's his girlfriend! Lol!! Mom tells him she doesn't think she's up for dating again so he better hurry up and remember she is his wife! Ha!
His procedure with Dr. Erdem (hottie) is still scheduled for tomorrow at 1. Fingers crossed he doesn't get bumped!!!! We are ready to get this procedure behind us and get him to rehab!
On a sad note I took Gracie back to Memphis Monday. She is staying with Josh and my mother in law the next couple of weeks.

I am already missing her like crazy, but she is having a blast!!!!!
She is growing sooo fast! I just can't believe it!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

Melissa said...

YAYYYYY Sitting on the side of the bed and standing! That's awesome! At the rate he's going he'll be back to his old self by Thanksgiving :) Love ya Uncle Jack!